This Thanksgiving we went to Arizona. My grandparents were going to be there and were so kind to help us out with gas money so we could go and visit too. The boys were so excited. We drove over there and got to stay one night at Russell's house. We got to Russ's and went out to eat and tried to sleep. Yeah not much sleep happened. His apartment is a one bedroom so Reid and I and the kids were all out in the family room and dining room on two seperate mattress. I laid down by the kids to help Owen fall asleep. He fell asleep for a few minutes and then woke and was up all night. I didn't get any sleep and he went and woke up Cameron and Luke at 4 am. So I decided to let Reid get some sleep and took all the kids with me to get breakfast at McDonald's and to fill the tank with gas. We should have just started driving but we were waiting to meet his girl friend. After we got breakfast we came back and got all ready to go. When we got to Arizona the boys were so excited to finally be there, so was I! When we got there the whole family came over and had dinner, it was so fun to be with everyone again. Ben let my parents borrow his golf cart for the week and the boys loved going on rides with grandpa, dad, and Ben. Owen was a little scared at first but by the end started loving it. A couple days after we got there my grandparents got in town, The boys had so much fun with them and Lucas attached himself to great grandma and was always sitting with her, cuddling with her and wanted to do everything with her. It was really cute to see how they interacted, Grandma looked like she loved it and called him her little buddy. We went to Bounce U which is a place where they have all sorts of blown up slides and things to climb, I was so wore out from taking the kids up and down. William loved the slide so I kept on taking him up, he was so cute! We just hung out and ate at all my favorite resurants. I was also able to meet up with some friends played at a park, it was so fun to see everyone again. I miss my Coolidge friends! Some families in my parents old ward have a tradition and put the turkeys in a huge pit to cook them. They all get together and wrap the turkeys and get them all ready to be put in the pit. I was so fun to see some old friends. The Cranes are the family that has the pit and they have little pet rats, mainly used to feed their snake but anyway, the boys really liked holding the rats. Owen's face would be so funny but he actually kept on wanting to hold them. Thanksgiving was a great day. We had some yummy food and just vegged. My mom and dad, Heather and Glen, Sonja and I decided to do some shopping and went out that night to Walmart, it was a successfull trip but crazy as the madness began. While we were visiting we were able to go to the temple site of the new Gilbert temple, it is going to be incredibl.e I can't wait for it to be completed and to get to go in it when we visit. The boys even got some nails and rocks from the grounds, they thought that was so cool. The boys had so much fun playing with their cousins. We made some gingerbread houses with great grandma and grandpa, they kids really enjoyed eating all the candy while decorating their houses. We got to celebrate Jaxons birthday with a picnic to the park and a chance to feed the ducks, we also went to the Mesa Arizona temple lights. Owen loved seeing all the lights and we saw Steve Young walking around with his family. The last night we were there we met up with the Finlaysons and had dinner and went to Tempe Marketplace and they have fake snow fall on certain nights the kids loved it. We had a great time catching up with them and are so grateful for their friendship. The whole trip was so fun and we had a great time with everyone. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for making it possible.
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