Yes I know it has almost been a year, but I am happy to say I have finally caught up on my blog. Hope you all enjoy! You'll have to push older posts a couple of times to see everything :)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Riding bikes!
It was such a nice day yesterday and after a 2 hour wait at Walmart with all 3 kids waiting to get tires on our car we needed to get out. They wanted me to take pictures of them with their bikes. Love these boys!!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 10:11 PM 0 comments
On Monday since it was so beautiful and spring break we decided to take advantage of the Zoo. My boys love seeing all the animals, they were so excited to see the cheetah's and luckily the cheetahs were right by the window and kept walking by looking at us. It was super crowded but we had a great time with friends and with Nikki and her girls. My boys love getting to spend time with Mayli, Tori and Zoe. Nikki was a trooper especially since she will be having a baby next Friday. We have really loved having them live close to us but are sad to say they are moving away before too long, we will miss them so much. Here is a picture of all of them together!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 10:03 PM 1 comments
CTR Hero
In our Primary they have this thing called CTR hero. It is a little guy that you take with you and do good things and choose the right. The next Sunday you are supposed to bring it back and take a picture of a time you are choosing the right with the hero and tell about your adventures. Here is Lucas making his bed with his hero!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 9:58 PM 2 comments
Mom, I am going potty!
So the other day I was making dinner and heard Owen playing in the bathroom. I told him to come out and he yelled Mom, I am going potty! I thought okay yeah right you have not gone potty yet. This is what I found and no he did not go potty but he had pulled his pants and diaper off and was sitting on the potty. It would have been even better if he had actually gone, but who can get mad at that cute little face. I definitely couldn't!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 9:52 PM 0 comments
A couple weeks ago we had a little visitor....the very hungry catepillar. He got to spend the weekend with us and got to do some fun things with our family(for a preschool project) Here are some pictures of the fun times.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Lucas is 5!
In January Lucas turned 5, I can hardly believe he is 5. For his birthday he wanted a gold fish. So we had him open his gift from grandmama and he loved all the clothes she gave him. After preschool I took him to Walmart to pick out his fish. We ended up getting 3 because I knew they might not last very long. He was so excited to get them home and put them in the fish bowl. He was very good and made sure that I fed the fish a couple times a day and would often sit and watch the fish swim around. A couple days after his birthday we had a party at Chuck e Cheese. We just got a bunch of tokens and let the kids play. They came back for cupcakes and for him to open his presents. He got so much great stuff. Thank you to everyoen for the great gifts. We had so much fun celebrating his birthday!
Lucas is such a good little boy. He can be mischeivious at times but I really love spending time with him. I am going to miss him so much when he starts school in the fall. He loves to play the kinect and his DS. He loves his brothers and gets so excited for Cameron to get home from school everyday. He loved playing soccer and is so excited to play again in the spring. He is really sweet and good with Owen and tries to include him. He loves Schatzi and will often be found holding her or walking her on her leash in the house. He is full of energy and loves riding his bike without training wheels and riding his razor. He is quite good and fast on his razor. He loves to cuddle with me and I love it and he still calls me momma sometimes and it melts my heart. I love you so much Lucas and I am so proud of you!!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Six Flags
Some friends of ours gave us free passes to Six Flags Holiday in the Park. It was really crowded but it was so much fun. All the big rides had hour long waits so Reid and I didn't get to ride them but the kids had tons of rides to ride on and loved every minute except waiting in the long lines. Lucas and Cameron were so brave and rode a pretty big roller coaster. Lucas was so funny and clung to the bar as hard as he could. He didn't want to ride it again but said he really liked it. I was so proud of both of them. We had a great time as a family!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 9:11 PM 0 comments
On Christmas eve we went over to the Bowcutts for dinner and did a little nativity with the kids dressed up and brought white elephant gifts. The kids loved the white elephant gift exchange, it was really fun. We had such a great time with some really great friends. It was nice to spend time with some of the people we love. Christmas was such a fun day, of course the kids were geared and ready and woke up early to see what santa had brought them. Cameron and Lucas got tennis rackets and tennis balls(which they asked for) and were so excited. They wanted to get out and play but since it was Sunday and cold outside we let them practice a little in the house. They were thrilled! Owen got a firetruck and was so excited and wanted it opened right away. The boys got some really great stuff, thank you to everyone who got them stuf. They had a blast opening all their presents. The favorite gift came from Reid and I, it was the Kinect you can see their faces, they were so excited and shocked we actually got it for them. They played that thing the rest of the day except when we went to church. They got to wear their new white shirts and ties that grandma got for them. She ordered them from my cousin Rachel who is so talented. Thanks grandma we love them, and thanks Rachel they are so great! We enjoyed the day relaxing and spending time as a family.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 8:56 PM 1 comments
Thanksgiving (lots of pics)
This Thanksgiving we went to Arizona. My grandparents were going to be there and were so kind to help us out with gas money so we could go and visit too. The boys were so excited. We drove over there and got to stay one night at Russell's house. We got to Russ's and went out to eat and tried to sleep. Yeah not much sleep happened. His apartment is a one bedroom so Reid and I and the kids were all out in the family room and dining room on two seperate mattress. I laid down by the kids to help Owen fall asleep. He fell asleep for a few minutes and then woke and was up all night. I didn't get any sleep and he went and woke up Cameron and Luke at 4 am. So I decided to let Reid get some sleep and took all the kids with me to get breakfast at McDonald's and to fill the tank with gas. We should have just started driving but we were waiting to meet his girl friend. After we got breakfast we came back and got all ready to go. When we got to Arizona the boys were so excited to finally be there, so was I! When we got there the whole family came over and had dinner, it was so fun to be with everyone again. Ben let my parents borrow his golf cart for the week and the boys loved going on rides with grandpa, dad, and Ben. Owen was a little scared at first but by the end started loving it. A couple days after we got there my grandparents got in town, The boys had so much fun with them and Lucas attached himself to great grandma and was always sitting with her, cuddling with her and wanted to do everything with her. It was really cute to see how they interacted, Grandma looked like she loved it and called him her little buddy. We went to Bounce U which is a place where they have all sorts of blown up slides and things to climb, I was so wore out from taking the kids up and down. William loved the slide so I kept on taking him up, he was so cute! We just hung out and ate at all my favorite resurants. I was also able to meet up with some friends played at a park, it was so fun to see everyone again. I miss my Coolidge friends! Some families in my parents old ward have a tradition and put the turkeys in a huge pit to cook them. They all get together and wrap the turkeys and get them all ready to be put in the pit. I was so fun to see some old friends. The Cranes are the family that has the pit and they have little pet rats, mainly used to feed their snake but anyway, the boys really liked holding the rats. Owen's face would be so funny but he actually kept on wanting to hold them. Thanksgiving was a great day. We had some yummy food and just vegged. My mom and dad, Heather and Glen, Sonja and I decided to do some shopping and went out that night to Walmart, it was a successfull trip but crazy as the madness began. While we were visiting we were able to go to the temple site of the new Gilbert temple, it is going to be incredibl.e I can't wait for it to be completed and to get to go in it when we visit. The boys even got some nails and rocks from the grounds, they thought that was so cool. The boys had so much fun playing with their cousins. We made some gingerbread houses with great grandma and grandpa, they kids really enjoyed eating all the candy while decorating their houses. We got to celebrate Jaxons birthday with a picnic to the park and a chance to feed the ducks, we also went to the Mesa Arizona temple lights. Owen loved seeing all the lights and we saw Steve Young walking around with his family. The last night we were there we met up with the Finlaysons and had dinner and went to Tempe Marketplace and they have fake snow fall on certain nights the kids loved it. We had a great time catching up with them and are so grateful for their friendship. The whole trip was so fun and we had a great time with everyone. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for making it possible.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Every year in september or city puts on a huge things called Ocktoberfest which we go to every year for Reid to get some German food. They all sorts of booths and things to do. Here are a couple picture of our fun!Look at those 4 handsome guys!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 8:01 PM 0 comments
We had a great Halloween! We started it off with the Ward trunk or treat and then hit some of the houses in our neighborhood. The boys ran like crazy to get all the candy at the trunk or treat and then loved going to the houses. Owen was so cute he would yell trick or treat as he was leaving every house as he would get half way down the sidewalk. He was so excited to get candy and started eating right away. They all had way too much candy and I was on a no sweets challenge it was so hard to not eat all my favorites. Owen was a lion, Cameron was a skeleton and Lucas was a ninja.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 7:48 PM 0 comments