On January 5th Luke turned 4! I can't believe he is already 4, where does time go? Seriously it needs to slow down a little.
Luke's stats at 4:
Weight: 35lbs 2 oz (2 ounce heavier than Cameron and Cameron had his shoes on)41%
Height: 40 1/2 inches 52%
He is still mischeivous, happy, energetic, fun to be around, and has a very cute personality and sense of humor. He loves preschool, loves being a sunbeam now, loves to play Lego Star Wars on the Wii(or any game on the Wii), loves to ride his scooter. He is always on the go and wants to always be doing something or going somewhere. Always tells me he loves me, likes to cuddle with me still. Lately whenever he gets in trouble he says that I am mean, but usually within a few minutes he'll say I'm not mean anymore. He is so fun and I feel so blessed to have him in my life. I love you Luke!!
Luke was so excited for his birthday and had been talking about it for months. The night before his birthday he got to pick where to go for dinner and so he picked Chuck-e-cheese. We all actually had a great time, there was hardly any body there and Owen loved going on all the little ride on games. Luke got to open one of his presents in the morning before preschool and was beaming! Of course we had to do the traditional candle in the waffle for breakfast. We also took cupcakes to preschool. He had so much fun but had to wait for daddy to get home to open the rest of his presents. He got some clothes and some money and a sound making color wonder. He loved everything he got.
On the Friday after his birthday we had a party for him, it was spiderman themed and he had about 13 friends that came. It was crazy but we had a great time. I got some pizzas and made some cupcakes that had a spider web shape on top with a spiderman toothpick sticking out the top. I got some silly string and the kids got to "web" each other, at first some of the kids even Luke didn't like getting sprayed but after a minute or so they were crazy spraying each other and just had a blast. After the "webbing" he opened his presents and man did he get a lot of stuff. We had cupcakes and then all the kids went home. After the party Luke started talking about next years party. Oh man! I was telling my grandma that it's a good thing that birthdays are a year apart so I have time to recover...haha!! I was worn out after the party, I think I crashed on the couch but had so much fun with all the kids. Thank you to everyone who came and for all the presents and for making it a special day! my big 4 year old!
Luke with present from mom, dad, Cameron and Owen
traditional waffle with candle
Luke with present from grandma and grandpa Bean
The yummy cupcakes
"webbing" each other
All the friends that came
Luke opening presents
Luke getting ready to blow out the candles
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