Owen is 18 months old!! This just blows my mind. What? I swear I just had him.
Owen's 18 month stats:
weight: 22 lbs 6%
height: 32 1/2 inches 55%
Owen is such a cute little guy with such a cute personality. I am having so much fun with him. He is such a joy to have in our family. I feel so blessed to be his mom. He is in nursery at church now and loved the first sunday but not the second one he had a little bit of a rough time. He learns something new everyday. He is a climber and likes to freak me out by climbing on top of the kitchen table, most days the chairs are all stacked on top of the table so he can't climb up. Lately he does not like to sit in his high chair and doesn't want me to feed him, he wants to do it by himself. He wants to sit at the table like his brothers. He follows his brothers where ever they go and thinks he is just as big as them. He is obsessed with Woody and Buzz from the movie Toy Story. He is always getting into things and is very quick, if the pantry is left open he will pull everything out. He loves string cheese and goes to the refrigerator door and says Cheese. He loves to carry around the big huge bags of cereal and eat from the bag. He is so easy to put to bed and rarely cries. He is always happy and smiling. He loves to dance whenever he hears music. He loves to play with the Hymn books at church. He absolutely adores our dog Schatzi and says her name really well and he loves to just sit and hold her. He still uses his pacifier and asks for it(I need to get rid of it). He shakes his head yes and no. He basically understands most of what we say like go get this or that and he does it. Points to some body parts when we ask him. He only has 4 teeth, the top two and bottom two. For awhile he just had one top tooth the other is slowly coming in. I loved his one top tooth smile though, so funny! He gives kisses and hugs, He gives high fives. He says something new everyday, Here's his list of what he says now:
more (saying and signing)
uh oh
baby (when he sees babies he'll point and say baby)
eyes (when riding in the car if the sun is in his eyes, he cries eyes, eyes, my eyes. Can point them out as well.
moo's for Cow
want that
Hi and Bye
Please and Thank you
Help me
want these or want that
want down
Bless you
yeah and yes
Right now
Jill (one of my closest friends here, who he really likes)
Owen (new word of the day, today)
Owen you are such a sweetheart, I love you so much and am so happy to be your mom, I look forward to watching you grow! Owen holding Schatzi
Owen's sunday best for first time at nursery!
hanging out in the kennel with Schatzi
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6 years ago
These are so cute! I can't believe how big Owen is getting. Maybe he's gonna pass gray up in weight Haha. Gray is at a standstill it seems at 22lbs. And he's been signing too its so fun! I love seeing pictures! Keep blogging. Miss ya!
Yes! I'm still so proud of Owen for saying my name. Now if we can just get him to say it to my face :) Love the updates!
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