We had such a great Christmas this year. We stayed here in Texas again, and loved it. Of course we were missing our families but were glad to spend a nice, relaxing holiday together as a family.
We started out Christmas Eve with making sugar cookies and decorating them for santa. (which was a first time, I really don't like making them, what a mess) then the traditional Christmas Eve opening one present, which is always Pajamas. Cameron and Luke both were so excited to finally open a present but once Cameron realized what it was he was not happy, he said, "That's it I just got pajamas, I don't even like these!" I was quite thrown back by his reaction and was really sad that he was acting like that. After a little talk with him and me asking him if he wanted me to give all of his presents to someone in need, he was fine, apologized and put them on. Luke opened his and was jumping all around and wanted to put them on right away. Owen didn't really care he was so tired anyway!
We woke up in the morning and the kids were ready to go. As I was going upstairs to help get them dressed I realized I forgot something and turned to go back down and totally fell down the stairs, (I was fine just had a nice big bruise on my rear and soreness for a couple days after). We got the kids dressed and they were ready to go see what they got! We had them wait at the top of the stairs while daddy made sure santa came and put things where they were supposed to be. Once we let them go they went running down the stairs. They were so excited! They got so much stuff from everyone! It was so fun to watch them and see how excited they were about everything. Cameron got these really cool remote control cars. Luke got a Hot wheels crash and Burn thing and Owen got a farm thing. They got some Pillow pets, books, Toy Story 3 dolls, toys, games, pjs, slippers, razors(scooters) and all sorts of things. The boys also got a book from my parents that has a recording of my parents reading the book to them, it is so cool. As we were opening more presents we realized that Reid's parents had sent the same book with their voices recorded reading it as well. It was too funny! Whenever the boys want to read the books they will look at one and then the other. They are great and the boys listen to them almost everyday! Reid and I got a blueray player, money, gift cards, and a really great family history book from my grandparents.
After presents we just hung out and let the kids play with all their new stuff. We went to dinner at our friends Megan and Marco's and visited with them. It was such a fun day! We missed seeing family but had a great time.
Thank you to everyone for your gifts and for thinking about us during the holidays! frosting cookies
the cookies all frosted
Luke after opening PJ's
Owen with PJ's
Luke and Cameron in their new PJ's
Owen and daddy
waiting to go downstairs
Cameron looking at his remote control car
all the boys and daddy playing with Luke's new toy
mommy and Owen
Owen just loved these woody and Buzz dolls that Cameron and Luke got, he has taken them over but the boys still have those on their beds when they go to sleep. Owen will go and take them out during the day and play with them.
Luke and Cameron with their new pillow pets from Grandma, they love these and sleep with them every night!
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