I finally got around to doing another update!! Yeah! I am hoping to be better at keeping up this year. We'll see how that goes!! Hope you enjoy!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Cameron and Luke
Pictures taken one day at the park thought they turned out really well! Owen would not cooperate! Cameron Dec 2010
Lucas Dec 2010
A picture Luke wanted me to take the other day!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 7:19 PM 0 comments
18 Months!!!
Owen is 18 months old!! This just blows my mind. What? I swear I just had him.
Owen's 18 month stats:
weight: 22 lbs 6%
height: 32 1/2 inches 55%
Owen is such a cute little guy with such a cute personality. I am having so much fun with him. He is such a joy to have in our family. I feel so blessed to be his mom. He is in nursery at church now and loved the first sunday but not the second one he had a little bit of a rough time. He learns something new everyday. He is a climber and likes to freak me out by climbing on top of the kitchen table, most days the chairs are all stacked on top of the table so he can't climb up. Lately he does not like to sit in his high chair and doesn't want me to feed him, he wants to do it by himself. He wants to sit at the table like his brothers. He follows his brothers where ever they go and thinks he is just as big as them. He is obsessed with Woody and Buzz from the movie Toy Story. He is always getting into things and is very quick, if the pantry is left open he will pull everything out. He loves string cheese and goes to the refrigerator door and says Cheese. He loves to carry around the big huge bags of cereal and eat from the bag. He is so easy to put to bed and rarely cries. He is always happy and smiling. He loves to dance whenever he hears music. He loves to play with the Hymn books at church. He absolutely adores our dog Schatzi and says her name really well and he loves to just sit and hold her. He still uses his pacifier and asks for it(I need to get rid of it). He shakes his head yes and no. He basically understands most of what we say like go get this or that and he does it. Points to some body parts when we ask him. He only has 4 teeth, the top two and bottom two. For awhile he just had one top tooth the other is slowly coming in. I loved his one top tooth smile though, so funny! He gives kisses and hugs, He gives high fives. He says something new everyday, Here's his list of what he says now:
more (saying and signing)
uh oh
baby (when he sees babies he'll point and say baby)
eyes (when riding in the car if the sun is in his eyes, he cries eyes, eyes, my eyes. Can point them out as well.
moo's for Cow
want that
Hi and Bye
Please and Thank you
Help me
want these or want that
want down
Bless you
yeah and yes
Right now
Jill (one of my closest friends here, who he really likes)
Owen (new word of the day, today)
Owen you are such a sweetheart, I love you so much and am so happy to be your mom, I look forward to watching you grow! Owen holding Schatzi
Owen's sunday best for first time at nursery!
hanging out in the kennel with Schatzi
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 6:17 PM 2 comments
Woody and Buzz obsession!
Owen is obsessed with Woody and Buzz Lightyear from the Toy Story movies. I think it all started with those giant Woody and Buzz dolls that Cameron and Luke got for Christmas. So a couple weeks ago I was Party City looking to get stuff for Luke's spiderman party when I walked past the Toy Story section, I didn't even say a thing and I heard Owen say," Woody, I want Woody, Woody!" I was thinking what did he just say Woody. Nah couldn't be then I started to walk away and he cried,"Woody I want Woody, Woody!" It was so stinkin cute, so I let him hold a package of invitations till I got to the checkout. Owen will walk around saying Woody and Buzz all day long, he even has Woody and Buzz dolls that he takes to bed with him. He has claimed his brothers big dolls for his own and will go in their room and pull them out to play with. The other day I remembered we had a little woody and Buzz backpack that was given to Owen awhile ago. I pulled it out and put it on him, he wore it for like 4 hours and would cry and ask for me to put it back on when I would try to take it off. He also has sippy cups that have Woody and Buzz on the tops of them. He will tell me which one he wants, Woody or Buzz. I tried to put Toy Story 3 in the other day to see if he would watch it but it didn't last long. I think this little obsession is kind of cute!! I wonder how long it will last?!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Luke is 4!!!
On January 5th Luke turned 4! I can't believe he is already 4, where does time go? Seriously it needs to slow down a little.
Luke's stats at 4:
Weight: 35lbs 2 oz (2 ounce heavier than Cameron and Cameron had his shoes on)41%
Height: 40 1/2 inches 52%
He is still mischeivous, happy, energetic, fun to be around, and has a very cute personality and sense of humor. He loves preschool, loves being a sunbeam now, loves to play Lego Star Wars on the Wii(or any game on the Wii), loves to ride his scooter. He is always on the go and wants to always be doing something or going somewhere. Always tells me he loves me, likes to cuddle with me still. Lately whenever he gets in trouble he says that I am mean, but usually within a few minutes he'll say I'm not mean anymore. He is so fun and I feel so blessed to have him in my life. I love you Luke!!
Luke was so excited for his birthday and had been talking about it for months. The night before his birthday he got to pick where to go for dinner and so he picked Chuck-e-cheese. We all actually had a great time, there was hardly any body there and Owen loved going on all the little ride on games. Luke got to open one of his presents in the morning before preschool and was beaming! Of course we had to do the traditional candle in the waffle for breakfast. We also took cupcakes to preschool. He had so much fun but had to wait for daddy to get home to open the rest of his presents. He got some clothes and some money and a sound making color wonder. He loved everything he got.
On the Friday after his birthday we had a party for him, it was spiderman themed and he had about 13 friends that came. It was crazy but we had a great time. I got some pizzas and made some cupcakes that had a spider web shape on top with a spiderman toothpick sticking out the top. I got some silly string and the kids got to "web" each other, at first some of the kids even Luke didn't like getting sprayed but after a minute or so they were crazy spraying each other and just had a blast. After the "webbing" he opened his presents and man did he get a lot of stuff. We had cupcakes and then all the kids went home. After the party Luke started talking about next years party. Oh man! I was telling my grandma that it's a good thing that birthdays are a year apart so I have time to recover...haha!! I was worn out after the party, I think I crashed on the couch but had so much fun with all the kids. Thank you to everyone who came and for all the presents and for making it a special day! my big 4 year old!
Luke with present from mom, dad, Cameron and Owen
traditional waffle with candle
Luke with present from grandma and grandpa Bean
The yummy cupcakes
"webbing" each other
All the friends that came
Luke opening presents
Luke getting ready to blow out the candles
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:34 PM 0 comments
Luke is a Sunbeam!!
I can't believe it! Luke is a sunbeam. He is the oldest in his class and was so ready to finally be a sunbeam. He loves it and gets so excited to go to primary every sunday. He is getting so big. He is such a handsome little guy and I can't help but look at this picture and think how fast time is going to go by before he is in a suit going on a mission. I am loving the time I get to spend with him! I hope he doesn't grow up too fast!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:26 PM 0 comments
7th Anniversary!
On December 27th Reid and I celebrated our 7th Anniversary. We didn't really do much that day except we took our kids to Outback Steakhouse with us for dinner. We got some gift cards for Christmas and thought why not go and enjoy it. It was a monday night so we decided to take them with us. A couple weeks later we celebrated by going to The Melting Pot for dinner by ourselves. It was really fun and very good. We had a great time! I have been thinking about how much we have done and accomplished it those 7 years, graduated college, had 3 babies, moved 3-4 times, had various callings, 2 jobs, bought 2 houses and so much more. It has been a wild and crazy ride but has been the best 7 years ever. I feel so blessed to have Reid in my life and to be married to a worthy priesthood holder and to know that we can be together forever. He is such a wonderful husband and dad. I love you so much Reid and can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with you. me and my boys on my 7th Anniversary!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:11 PM 0 comments
We had such a great Christmas this year. We stayed here in Texas again, and loved it. Of course we were missing our families but were glad to spend a nice, relaxing holiday together as a family.
We started out Christmas Eve with making sugar cookies and decorating them for santa. (which was a first time, I really don't like making them, what a mess) then the traditional Christmas Eve opening one present, which is always Pajamas. Cameron and Luke both were so excited to finally open a present but once Cameron realized what it was he was not happy, he said, "That's it I just got pajamas, I don't even like these!" I was quite thrown back by his reaction and was really sad that he was acting like that. After a little talk with him and me asking him if he wanted me to give all of his presents to someone in need, he was fine, apologized and put them on. Luke opened his and was jumping all around and wanted to put them on right away. Owen didn't really care he was so tired anyway!
We woke up in the morning and the kids were ready to go. As I was going upstairs to help get them dressed I realized I forgot something and turned to go back down and totally fell down the stairs, (I was fine just had a nice big bruise on my rear and soreness for a couple days after). We got the kids dressed and they were ready to go see what they got! We had them wait at the top of the stairs while daddy made sure santa came and put things where they were supposed to be. Once we let them go they went running down the stairs. They were so excited! They got so much stuff from everyone! It was so fun to watch them and see how excited they were about everything. Cameron got these really cool remote control cars. Luke got a Hot wheels crash and Burn thing and Owen got a farm thing. They got some Pillow pets, books, Toy Story 3 dolls, toys, games, pjs, slippers, razors(scooters) and all sorts of things. The boys also got a book from my parents that has a recording of my parents reading the book to them, it is so cool. As we were opening more presents we realized that Reid's parents had sent the same book with their voices recorded reading it as well. It was too funny! Whenever the boys want to read the books they will look at one and then the other. They are great and the boys listen to them almost everyday! Reid and I got a blueray player, money, gift cards, and a really great family history book from my grandparents.
After presents we just hung out and let the kids play with all their new stuff. We went to dinner at our friends Megan and Marco's and visited with them. It was such a fun day! We missed seeing family but had a great time.
Thank you to everyone for your gifts and for thinking about us during the holidays! frosting cookies
the cookies all frosted
Luke after opening PJ's
Owen with PJ's
Luke and Cameron in their new PJ's
Owen and daddy
waiting to go downstairs
Cameron looking at his remote control car
all the boys and daddy playing with Luke's new toy
mommy and Owen
Owen just loved these woody and Buzz dolls that Cameron and Luke got, he has taken them over but the boys still have those on their beds when they go to sleep. Owen will go and take them out during the day and play with them.
Luke and Cameron with their new pillow pets from Grandma, they love these and sleep with them every night!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 11:34 AM 0 comments
So I decided to take my boys to see santa this year. I thought I would be able to snap a couple pictures with him but I wasn't allowed to and they wanted $15 for one 4x6 picture which Owen was crying in. There was no way I was going to pay that so I took pictures of my boys by this huge Christmas tree instead. Here's what I got, they all were in need of major haircuts but I got some fun ones. Cameron and Lucas
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Cameron's first Field Trip
Thanks to wonderful friends I was able to go with Cameron on his first field trip. We went to a Tree Farm about 45 minutes North of were we live. I had such a great time being able to spend one on one time with him. We went to a puppet show, went on a hay ride to the trees, saw a pig, a bunny, chickens, and some goats. It was so cold outside but I loved spending time with Cameron and he even warmed me up by sitting on my lap during the hay ride. He is growing up so fast I can hardly stand it. He loves school and is doing so great with his reading and writing and he just adores his teacher. He is such a happy, sweet, and loving boy. He has made tons of new friends at school. I am so proud of you buddy and I love you Cameron! Thanks for letting me come with you I had such a great time! petting the bunny
waiting for the puppet show.
Cameron and myself on the Hay ride
Camerons class
Cameron and Parker on their Thinking stumps! (That's what they called them)
Me and Cameron
Jill and Parker
Cameron and Parker
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 10:41 AM 1 comments