Well we made it!! Cameron is finally potty trained. It took awhile but we have jumped the hurdle. He had a potty chart that he got to put stickers on after everytime he went potty. We set the reward, that once he had filled his chart he could get some Power Ranger figures. Those figures had been sitting on top of our fridge for quite sometime. He finally got them on Friday. I cannot even say how proud I am of him. He did really great...only a few tears here and there. I am so glad I don't have to diaper two kids still. Way to go Cameron...we are so proud of you!!!! Proud little brother!!!
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6 years ago
Hey! I have been able to check out your blog! Cameron is so cute as usual, but Luke looks totally different than the last I say him! What a handsome little man! I miss you tons! Hope Texas is treating you well!
Good Job Cameron!! Isn't it such a relief to be done with that? There is nothing better then a potty trained little kid until you have a cart full of groceries or at a place that has the most discusting bathrooms known to man and they have to go! :-) Believe me even in those situations it's still worth it!
Way to go Cameron!! One down one to go :)
Congrats Cameron! I know how hard that is. We went through the same things a few months ago. I hope he keeps it up!
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