Today is my little brother Shawn's birthday, he turned 17. I am lucky to have him as my little brother, he has always been so tenderhearted and very thoughtful. He is such a great example to me and especially to my boys. Cameron and Luke love him to pieces and love to spend time with him. They have missed him and ask to go see him all the time. All day today Cameron has been saying I want to call Uncle Shawn and sing happy birthday to him. He is so excited to talk to him on the phone. Shawn, we love you and miss you so much. We hope that you have had a wonderful day!!! Thank you for the example that you set for Cameron and Luke. Thanks for always playing with my boys and letting them tackle you and spend time with you. We love you!!!!
Dog pile on Uncle Shawn!!!!
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6 years ago
Little Brothers are the Best!!! We miss you guys!
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