Today in our city they had a festival called Oktoberfest. I know some of you are thinking isn't that where people just go to drink Beer. Well here it was a family festival and we decided to take the kids. It really wasn't as good as we had hoped it would be and the lines for food were way too long. We let the kids do some painting and they had an old firetruck that all the kids could climb on and sit in. Cameron and Luke loved the painting and especially the climbing on the fire truck. It was quite a warm day out so we stayed for just a little while then went out to lunch. It was nice to get out of the house and to do something as a family. Of course I took some pictures of our fun!!! My 3 men!!!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 7:27 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Uncle Shawn!!!
Today is my little brother Shawn's birthday, he turned 17. I am lucky to have him as my little brother, he has always been so tenderhearted and very thoughtful. He is such a great example to me and especially to my boys. Cameron and Luke love him to pieces and love to spend time with him. They have missed him and ask to go see him all the time. All day today Cameron has been saying I want to call Uncle Shawn and sing happy birthday to him. He is so excited to talk to him on the phone. Shawn, we love you and miss you so much. We hope that you have had a wonderful day!!! Thank you for the example that you set for Cameron and Luke. Thanks for always playing with my boys and letting them tackle you and spend time with you. We love you!!!!
Dog pile on Uncle Shawn!!!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 3:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
New Couch!!
We got our new couch today and I am so excited. We had to wait a couple of weeks but it was worth it. It is super comfortable and looks great in our house. I am a little paranoid about keeping it clean, but the great thing is that it is microfiber and easy to clean. Now we have room for people to sit. Don't mind the Jurassic Park theme song it is for the dinosaur post.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 8:24 PM 11 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Today we went to the Heard Museum of McKinney Texas. During September thru December they have electronic dinosaurs on display. You take a beautiful nature walk and the dinosaurs are along the path. Cameron and Luke were so excited to go and see the dinosaurs but when we came up to the first one Cameron freaked and Luke started whinning. The dinosaurs looked realistic and they move and make noises. Cameron wanted nothing to do with them and kept looking behind him to make sure there were no dinosaurs by him. He wouldn't even get out of the stroller. I thought Oh great I just paid to listen to my kids whine the whole time. Luckily that wasn't the case there was lots to see and look at. They also had a butterfly room. It was really cool, the butterflys were everywhere. Cameron loved the butterflys and didn't want to leave, Luke was too worried about eating his friend Alex's fruit snacks. There was also a snake exhibit and a huge model of one that you can walk through to see where all there organs and such are. Cameron liked it but wanted to get out quick. Luke loved the whole thing, he was a little nervous with the dinosaurs but I think it is only because Cameron was freaking out. We brought lunches and had a little picnic and let the boys play on some dinosaurs that they could sit on. It was a beautiful place, I would love to see it when the leaves all change. The best part about it was it was only 10 mins away. I have to say I don't miss the driving to and from Coolidge to do anything. Here's a slide show of our day.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 1:36 PM 4 comments
Yesterday we went to Playgroup with some people in our ward. The playground was at a baseball ballpark and they had these really cool huge cement baseballs. So I decided to take pics of the boys. We had a really good time and throughly enjoyed the 75 degree weather.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Knee Surgery!!
Reid had knee surgery today to repair a torn meniscus. Everything went great and now he starts the rehab and healing process. He is pretty sore but is doing better than I thought he would be doing. The pain meds must really be working. He will stay home for the next couple of days and will be on crutches for a couple of days and then he will have to see a physical therapist for 4-6 weeks. I hope he gets feeling better soon, and I must say how greatful I am for modern medicine and doctors.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 5:20 PM 5 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
First Pair!!!
On Saturday we went to the outlets to walk around and we found some shoes for the boys. Their first pair of Nike's. They are so cute and the boys just love to run around in them. Cameron asked me to take pictures so I thought I would post them.
Cameron's shoes
Luke's shoes
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 4:26 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Labor Day Weekend
Wow we have had quite the eventful weekend. To start off the weekend I spent Friday night at Urgent Care for a sharp pain in my right side. I had had the pain for like 5days and it was getting worse, so I decided to get it looked at. After a urine test, waiting, blood test, waiting, pelvic exam, waiting, cat scan, waiting, they found out that I had a 1 inch ovarian cyst. I had no idea that getting these or having these was so painful. After I left Urgent care I had to go to Walgreens to get medicine and waited there for about 30 mins. Went home, took medicine and went to bed.
Saturday after resting and watching Virginia Tech get beat, we went out looking for a new couch. I must say I was not feeling that good but needed to get out of the house. We have been looking for several days for a couch and decided on one. Unfortunately we have to wait 2 weeks to get it because part of it was out of stock. We are way excited and can't wait for it to get here.
Sunday we both got called to teach the sunbeams. I am not quite sure what to think about it, I just feel like I didn't have time to get to know anyone. It will be good and I am glad we get to do it together. I was joking with Reid that if anything this calling will teach us patience.
Monday we got to go to the Lake with my Uncle Mark, Aunt Belinda, my cousin Nathan and his wife Celina and their boys Ethan and Noah, and also my cousin Valerie and her kids Jacob and Addy (they were evacuated from Mississippi because of the huricane). We had so much fun and I will post pictures when I get my hands on them. We also had a BBQ, my uncle cooked the best steak I think I have ever had, and scallops that were way good. I ate way too much. We had so much fun spending time with all of them, it was nice to be around family. After we left their house we went to one of Reid's co workers house to pick up an air hockey table that he was giving away. When we got home and set it up, we realized it was missing the pucks, so we have not had the chance to play it yet. We need to just go buy some pucks. The boys keep trying to play with it, they keep asking me if they can turn it on.
Yesterday I still was not feeling good, the pain seemed to get a little worse. I laid around most of the day while my boys played. We also found out that Reid has torn the meniscus in his knee and has to have surgery next Monday. He'll have to miss a couple days of work next week and it will take a couple of weeks for him to get feeling better.
Today I am feeling a lot better, it still hurts but hopefully the pain will go away soon. I just hope I don't need to have surgery to get it removed at the same time Reid has to have knee surgery. That would not be good! We have had so much going on this weekend. Hopefully things will slow down for us. We miss and love you all, Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 6:53 AM 15 comments