Yesterday I decided to take the kids to a park to feed the ducks and to play on the playground. After being couped in the house for 3 days because of rain the boys were way excited to get out of the house. So I took them to the park and the minute we got out of the car and had our bread bag out the ducks started coming towards us really fast. Since the ducks were so close I wanted to take some pictures. I was taking pictures then all of the sudden Luke started crying. I looked down at him and noticed he was standing right on a huge ant hill and had ants crawling up his leg. I grabbed him real quick and tried to get the ants off. By the time I got the ants off, his whole foot was turning red and where every bite was his skin was raised up and swollen a little. So I took him to the bathroom and rinsed his foot in cold water. After I rinsed his foot he was fine and wanted to go back to the ducks. I kept an eye on his foot and luckly the swelling went way down. The boys played on the playground and loved it. My friend Megan and her little boy Alex came with us. The boys have so much fun playing together. This morning when Luke woke up I looked at his foot and now all the bites have little white heads on them. 25 bites total. It looks painful but doesn't seem to be bothering him too much, except for every once in a while he'll point to his foot and say ants. These ants are brutal!!!!
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6 years ago
Welcome to Texas my fellow Arizonan!
The fire ants are crazy here. We had a mega huge pile in our front yard, I'm talking like two feet wide and four inches tall.
And then my landlord and her mom come on over to fix something and her mother grabs her cane and pokes the ant hill, making the buggers scatter everywhere (gee thanks, grandma...).
I got my bug spray out and killed them.
We need to get together sometime! Totally!
What a fun day minus the ants. That is so sad! Hope it doesn't bother him to much!
Oh my gosh, the poor thing! I'm glad the feeding the ducks part was fun.
Ouch! Poor Luke.
Looks like you guys had fun aside from that.
Miss you!
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