I have been feeling a little lazy lately and have given up on keeping my bedroom clean. Today I woke up sick of seeing the mess that had built up with clothes, kids stuff and who knows what, so I cleaned it all. I even made my bed, cleaned my bathroom and closet, and vacuumed the floor. It looks so much better!!! It is amazing how much better I feel now that it is clean.
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6 years ago
Isn't that so funny! I have no idea how things can get so messy--and how it can sit for days and days. But when you finally find the time to clean it up, it's like heaven. Glad to hear somebody else with the same old story...
That's funny. Looks like your nesting is kicking in! What room is next?
It is such a great feeling to have tings clean. It is crazy how fast those messes come, but it is definately a good feeling when it is clean.
COuld you come to my house and do that! I dont wanna
I at least folded ALL the laundry last night, I need to do a major clean too. Thanks for the inspiration. Love Mom
Well maybe I will wake up tomorrow and do mine. I know I will feel much better about my self and my room if I do. Thanks for the boost.
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