We had a really great Easter. The day before we had a ward egg hunt and unfortunately I forgot my camera but Owen was so cute, he loved getting the eggs. He would get to the egg open it to see what was in it before putting it in his basket, he was all about the candy he was getting and started eating it right away. Owen didn't get very many eggs but his brothers made up for that. Of course Cameron and Luke went running for the eggs and did quite well for themselves. We had a great time visiting with friends and fellow ward members. The boys were excited for the bunny to come and I think they were pretty happy. They got Toy Story dominoes, Just Dance for Kids Wii game and some candy. Owen got a doodle pad, he was more interested in the candy though, he kept on saying "Candy I want one" or "another one" over and over again. Reid's brother Russ was here for work and we had him over for dinner. The boys sure do love their Uncle Russ and being able to see him more often as he has been working here for the past couple of months. We have had so much fun having him around. I am so grateful for this time of year and for the reminder it give us of our Savior and all that he has done for us. I am so grateful for my older brother Jesus Christ and for all the pain and suffering he went through in my behalf. I am grateful for the chance it gives me to be able to repent and become better and more like him.Owen
Cameron with game
Luke with home egg hunt goodies
Cameron with home egg hunt goodies
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