Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Lots and Lots of updates!! You may have to click older posts at bottom to see them all! Enjoy!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 7:41 AM 1 comments
Special Stake Conference
On Sunday we had a special Stake conference and Dallin H. Oaks from the quorum of the 12 was here to speak to us. It was such a wonderful and spiritual experience. Cameron and I got up early and went to get a closer seat. About an hour before the meeting started Dallin H Oaks walked in and walked around and shook everyones hand. He went up and down the pews just shaking hands. Cameron was so excited to be able to shake his hand. When Dallin H. Oaks got to Cameron, Cameron had the biggest smile on his face and said Hi!. Dallin H Oaks said," Good morning and how are you?. Cameron said, "Good". After that he shook my hand and then Cameron said he felt his heart get warm when he shook his hand. It was so touching as his mom to be able to see how excited he was and that he felt the spirit. What a wonderful and amazing opportunity. I hope he will never forget it!! Unfortunately Reid, Luke and Owen missed this part, due to picking up a neighbor for church, but they were still able to hear him speak and feel of his spirit.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Last week Luke, Owen and I were invited to go to a little farm thing with some friends. The boys were really excited to go and see some animals. When we got out of the car we saw some little goats just roaming around in the kid play area. Owen immediately walked right up to them and started petting them. These goats were the friendliest I have ever seen. The goats would just stand there and let the kids pet them. Owen loved these goats and kept on calling them doggies. He could have spent the entire day just petting those goats. We also got to see some other little animals, like a tiny pig the size of a bunny, some reptiles, a chinchilla(not sure on spelling), guinea pig and some others. We also got to feed some goats, pigs, and a donkey. The lady had a bunch of loaves of bread that we would feed to the animals and we got to stay there as long as we wanted, I think we fed them for a least 45 minutes or so. Luke and Owen loved it. Owen really loved feeding the donkey and was not afraid to stick the food out to him. He became so attached to this donkey that even after we were done feeding it Owen just stood on the fence petting and talking to the donkey, it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. He was loving every minute! I was able to get pictures on my phone but not sure how to get them off and on the computer yet, I was able to get about 3 pictures before my camera died. Here's Owen and Luke petting the goats.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 7:14 AM 0 comments
We had a really great Easter. The day before we had a ward egg hunt and unfortunately I forgot my camera but Owen was so cute, he loved getting the eggs. He would get to the egg open it to see what was in it before putting it in his basket, he was all about the candy he was getting and started eating it right away. Owen didn't get very many eggs but his brothers made up for that. Of course Cameron and Luke went running for the eggs and did quite well for themselves. We had a great time visiting with friends and fellow ward members. The boys were excited for the bunny to come and I think they were pretty happy. They got Toy Story dominoes, Just Dance for Kids Wii game and some candy. Owen got a doodle pad, he was more interested in the candy though, he kept on saying "Candy I want one" or "another one" over and over again. Reid's brother Russ was here for work and we had him over for dinner. The boys sure do love their Uncle Russ and being able to see him more often as he has been working here for the past couple of months. We have had so much fun having him around. I am so grateful for this time of year and for the reminder it give us of our Savior and all that he has done for us. I am so grateful for my older brother Jesus Christ and for all the pain and suffering he went through in my behalf. I am grateful for the chance it gives me to be able to repent and become better and more like him.Owen
Cameron with game
Luke with home egg hunt goodies
Cameron with home egg hunt goodies
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 2, 2011
Grandma and Grandpa visit!
In April my parents were able to come out to visit. We had such a wonderful time with them and miss them so much. We did all sorts of things while they were here. Before grandma came she promised that she would go and have lunch with Cameron at his school so the friday they were here we were able to meet Cameron at the school for lunch. He was so excited to show grandma and grandpa the school and what he was eating for lunch. My dad even had the opportunity to read a book to Cameron's class, it was so cute to see and all the kids really enjoyed it. On Saturday Cameron had a soccer game, he was so excited to have grandma and grandpa there to watch. We also colored some easter eggs with them. Owen wasn't very friendly and kindly avoided my parents, but on sunday he sat on Grandpa's lap during sacrament meeting. Luke was so excited to spend time playing with grandpa while Cameron was at school. Cameron and Luke both rode with me to take them back to the airport and they both cried for 20 mins or so on the way home, because they missed grandma and grandpa. It broke my heart to see them so sad. Cameron kept on saying we just love it when they are here and Luke kept asking why they had to go home so soon. It was hard to see them so sad, but I told them that we will see them again sometime soon, not sure how soon but that seemed to help. We sure love having them here and miss them when they are not!!! We love you grandma and grandpa!! Thanks for coming to visit us!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:48 PM 1 comments
Field trip with Cameron
I was able to go on Cameron's second field trip with him. We went to a place called Owen's farm. We had so much fun and I enjoyed being able to spend the day with just Cameron. We got to feed some goats, go on a hay ride, see some other animals, eat lunch and play on a huge pile of hay. I had such a great time with him. Cameron and Parker
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Luke's preschool graduation!
On March 30, Luke had his preschool graduation. Yes, you might think March is early for that but his teacher was having a baby in April and decided to end early, which all of us moms kept on telling her to do. Luke loved preschool and is excited to go back again this next fall. There was a little ceremony, gave out awards, sang to all of us, and we got to see a slide show. I am so impressed with how much he has come along since the start of the year. Thanks Mrs. Tamra for all you have done for Luke!! We are excited to come by and see that sweet baby girl of yours!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:31 PM 0 comments
What happens when your 4 year old gets a hold of the camera. He took like 50 some odd pictures of random things around the house such as shoes, toys, walls, rooms, furniture, and then these came along...
I was laughing so hard I couldn't get mad at him. Nice face Cameron!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:26 PM 1 comments
Allen Americans!!
In March we took the boys to a Hockey game. The town next to ours just got a hockey team and a nice arena that is only 5 minutes from our house, the team is called the Allen Americans. It was way nice to only have a 5 min ride home after the game. Reid's brother Russell was in town again for work and went with us. The boys loved it! I was kind of hesitant in taking them but they really liked it, even Owen. I forgot how long those games are though, we didn't get out of there until almost 10:30pm, but the kids were good the entire time and didn't even want to leave when it was over.Daddy, Owen and Uncle Russ
Owen clapping to the music.
Cameron and Luke
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:04 PM 0 comments
In March we went to the Fort Worth Zoo with some friends. We decided to go spring break week and it was way busy, but we still had a great time. It was the first time that Owen was actually old enough to notice the animals and he was so excited to see them all. He had to get out of the stroller at every exhibit so he could get a better look. It was fun to watch his excitement.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Cameron the Cowboy!
Cameron had a western day at school and looked so cute (I mean, handsome). I couldn't resist taking some pictures of him when he got home!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 1:53 PM 0 comments
BYU-TCU Basketball game
In February we took the boys to the BYU-TCU basketball game to see Jimmer play. We went with some friends and Reid's brother Russell was here and was able to go with us as well. We had so much fun watching the game and enjoyed sitting among fellow BYU fans. The boys had such a great time. I seriously need to get my boys some BYU shirts!!The crazy boys!!
Owen and Daddy
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 1:42 PM 1 comments