(Warning; long post with lots of Pictures)
This weekend we went to San Antonio and took the kids on a surprise trip to Sea World. They had no idea we were going until we got to Sea World. Reid and I had so much fun keeping this secret. We left on Friday morning to go down there, on the way down we stopped in a little town called New Brunsfel and let the kids get out and run around at a park for a little while and then finished our drive. When we got to San Antonio we went to the hotel to check in. The boys thought it was really cool that we were going to be staying at a hotel and that they were going to get to share a big bed. While we were walking in to go to our room, Luke said,"Is this our new home?" Reid and I just had to laugh. After we went to the room and let the kids check it out, we went to the Riverwalk. The Riverwalk was way cool. It is a river that runs below the city, with cobblestone walk ways and little bridges. It is lined with stores and restaurants, it was a very neat place, I wish I would have taken pictures. We decided to take the kids to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner. At first they were a little nervous but they ended up really loving it. After dinner we walked around a little more and went to bed. At Rainforest Cafe
Mommy and Cameron
Daddy and Luke
Saturday we went to Sea World. As we pulled in we saw the huge sign. I said, "Cameron what does that say?" He hesitated for a minute and said I don't know, then after a second he said, "It says Sea World!!" His mouth was wide open and he said. "That's where we're going today!!" I said, "Yes, that's the big surprise. Are you excited?" He said, "Yes, we are so excited!!" Luke and him were so excited running and jumping while we walked to the entrance. The first thing we did was go to the kiddy rollercoaster. Cameron, Luke and I went on it. Cameron rode by himself and Luke and I rode together. Luke was nervous at first but really enjoyed it. Cameron really liked it and was so brave by himself. We headed to the Sea Lion show, it was really funny. Cameron and Luke were just so excited the whole time.We did everything you can do with little kids, and Reid and I even took turns riding one of the big rollercoasters. Our day was full of shows and activities. We got to feed and pet the dolphins, saw Shamu, watched another show with Beluga whales and dolphins, pet an alligator, saw sharks and many other things. After every show both of the boys kept on asking are we going home now, Reid and I would say no, we are here all day. They would say oh good we don't want to go home yet. Owen did an awesome job, he was happy the whole time and loved watching people and seeing the animals. Our only injury of the day was Luke, he cut his lip open because he was climbing on a cement sea lion and slipped. Blood everywhere, but not too bad. As we were heading to the car Luke fell asleep. The kids slept the whole way home, Luke even slept through dinner at Red Robin. We had such a great time ogether. This was our first official family trip, besides going to see family and we had a blast. Looking forward to many more family trips!!Cameron getting on Shamu express
Mommy and Luke on Shamu express
Luke feeding the dolphin, sorry for the reflection of sun.
feeding the dolphins, nice face Cameron!
mommy & Owen at Shamu show
Cameron at Shamu show
Luke at Shamu show
petting the alligator
happy boy!!
Before the cut open lip
Exhausted from long day of fun!
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6 years ago
That looks SO fun!!! We have yet to go on a trip with just our little family and I really want to. Kids make everything so much more fun!
I'm glad you guys had such a fun time!!
That is so fun! We love San Antonio!
Awww, looks like you guys had a blast! I thought the surprise was that you're preggo again, LOL!Awesome pics
I love that you did this. It was so cute hearing Cameron tell us all about it today . . . "Oh! Ms Tamra . . . it was SO FAR. I fell asleep in the car!" . . .I was laughing inside. Such a cute little guy!
What a fun surprise!!
How fun ... and memorable. Glad you got to go with the fam on such a fun trip!
The boys are getting cuter and cuter!!!
So cute, looks like a great trip! How fun to surprise the boys!
How fun!! It's fun to see family but I think doing trips just your family is so important. Looks like the boys had a blast. I love Sea World.
So fun! We are surprising our girls with Disney Land pretty soon and I am so excited! I love Sea World, it is such a fun family place. How long did it take you guys to get there? Maybe we can do a vacation together sometime!
Wow, I didn't know you guys lived in Texas now. I love San Antonio. It's about 3 hours from us. Your family is so cute!
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