My baby is almost 10 months old already. I can hardly believe it. I took him to his 9month check up and these are his stats.
9 month stats:
weight: 15 lbs 13 oz (not even on the charts)
height: 28 3/4in (50-75%)
As you can tell from his stats he is a tiny little thing, or should I say skinny. Our goal is to gain some weight. He is still such a happy little guy and content to just sit in his car seat when we are out at places. He is crawling everywhere and is so fast. He follows Cameron and Luke from room to room and loves watching them play. He pulls himself to standing on everything, the wall, the stairs, cupboards, you name it he is standing against it. He is always on the go. He loves to eat table foods now and tries new things to eat almost daily. He gives wet sloppery kisses (my favorite). He loves his momma and is a momma's boy. He loves to make noises, squeals, and knows how to get my attention. I know I say this all the time but he is growing way to fast. I am loving every minute with him. I love this sweet little guy!!Still loves to stick that tongue out.
kind of blurry but I just love that gummy smile.
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6 years ago
So cute! Happy 10 month Birthday owen!! It is seriously crazy how fast it goes!
Okay, he is stinkin cute! And your post made me feel so much better! Cole went to the doctor yesterday, and was 10.5 lbs at 4 months. 0.16 percentile. So, we are now "watching and monitoring" his weight as well. Shane was freaking out--good to know that we just have adorable, happy, tiny little guys! :)
He is so cute! I just love him!
That last picture of him where he's standing is so adorable. I love his smile. He seems like such a happy baby. That means he's getting enough love!
He is so dang cute and definately fits the mold! I can't believe how little he is.
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