Yesterday was Luke's 3rd birthday. When he woke up in the morning even before he made it downstairs, he yelled, " It's my Birthday today!!" It was so cute, he was so excited all day. Whenever anyone would sing to him he would have a huge smile on his face and say thank you right when the person was done. We decided to have a birthday party at McDonald's and let me tell you it was the perfect place to go. Each of his friends got a kids meal and got to play on the toys. We had a great time! After the party he got to play with his friend Allie. We went to Pei Wei for dinner because he loves the kids lo mein with chicken, and got to open more presents. He was so happy!! It turned out to be a busy day but we had so much fun. Eating Lunch; Ryan, Luke and Cameron
Skylar, Aria and Michael.
Owen and Daddy!
It is hard to believe he is already 3!! Time is going way too fast. He is still in that trying stage, but I am hoping it will end soon. He reminds me way too much of myself (that's scary). He can be a real sweetheart when he wants to be. He is still somewhat of a mommas boy and loves the attention. He loves riding his bike, playing with toys, playing with Cameron, holding Owen, helping me make dinner, causing mischief (especially when i am feeding Owen), watching cartoons and movies. He never stops talking and is very clear and easy to understand. He tries to do everything Cameron does. He is very independent and likes things to be a certain way. He is very quick at learning things and picks up songs really fast, he knows the alphabet, various primary songs and nursery ryhmns. We adore this little guy and are so happy he is in our family. Love you buddy!! Happy Birthday!!
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6 years ago
He is such a cute little boy! I can't believe he is three. That's crazy. Looks like it was a fun day!!
Hi Brittney! I found your blog from Cara's. It looks like you had a fun Christmas. We'll have to hang out again soon!
Happy Birthday Luke! Wish we were there to celebrate with you guys! We miss ya!
Happy Birthday Luke!
Happy Bday Lucas! Beck's 3rd will be at the end of April. Crazy how fast time flies.
Lucas and Coen share the same birthday!
Happy Birthday Luke!!!!!
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