Last night our family made spider cookies. Cameron had been asking everyday for the past week or two to do them and I kept on forgetting to get pretzel sticks. I even went to the store a couple of times to get them and forgot to grab them. The boys thought it was so cool to make them and put them together. They ate more of the stuff then we made into cookies but it was fun. The Reeses Pieces were a big hit with Luke. He kept craming them in his mouth and was drooling the different colors. I love to see how excited my boys get for the simplest things. He is into showing his teeth when he smiles, so it makes for a funny picture!
Daddy helping Cameron make his own.
See what I mean about the Reeses Pieces!!!!
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6 years ago
Those are adorable!! The Reese's pieces would be a hit with me too!
Looks like alot of fun! That's a cute idea for cookies. I am trying to figure out things to do with Abby to make Halloween fun for her...
What a fun idea! We'll have to do those this week while Todd's gone to keep all of us busy!!
So cute! I don't think Scott would be able to do this project just yet, he would just eat everything. Luke is getting big, every time I look at him I think to myself... "Scott will be there in a couple of month." Which then makes me think how time goes so fast.
What a cute idea..I might have to steal it :). The boys are getting so big!
SOOOOO Cute Brittney! Great idea! I think you inspired me too do them with Ashley! AND I'm sad you are officially a Texan!
First of all, congrats on becoming a Texan! I love those cookies, and I have never seen them before! I think my kids will love to make them!
Great idea for a fun halloween craft for the kids! You are such a good mom!
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