We are in the dreaded process of trying to get Cameron potty trained, Which is turning out to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. Nothing seems to be working. Yesterday morning I put Cameron on the potty to go and Luke wanted to join in on the fun. Here's what I saw!!!
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6 years ago
LOL..that is actually a good idea to do them together. You can kinda make it a friendly competition.
With Braden we had to just finally get stern (spelling??)..and one day right before he turned 3 I was like thats it no more diapers, your not allowed. And he did it, he was more than ready, it was just us letting him get away with being lazy...
Good luck!!
Oh that's funny. Nothing like little brother encouraging big brother to do his buisiness like a big boy! And that's awesome that you run with them every morning! Double strollers are a killer...that's one tough mama!
It sure would be nice to get a two for one on this deal! Good luck with potty training. Abby is showing interest in it too now but so close to the baby coming I think it wouldn't last. Hope everything is going well with your family.
Oh man... I feel your pain! Good luck with that one. I swear by the time Glen David was finally trained I was about to go crazy! It just takes patience... which I don't have most of the time! How cute that Luke wanted to join in! How about potty training both at the same time?!! That would be awesome! Hang in there!
Good Luck!!! I found a book on line called potty trained in 3 days or something and so I read it and did everythiing she said and it really worked. It only took Kylie three days and she was done with the diapers. A few tips she has on there is to dedicate 3 whole days to nothing but potty training. Don't go anywhere don't do anything else but focus on that strictly. Then she also says once you put them in underwear DON'T ever put them back in pll-ups or a diaper for any reason (not even for bed or if you go somewhere) because they revert back to their old way a little bit. Last she also said that when you put them to bed make them go before they go to sleep then before you go to bed and they are already asleep go get them and have them go again and they should be fine through the night. This works really well for Kylie and she does go right back to sleep when she is done. This lady claims it works for both girls and boys once they reach the age of 2 they are more than ready. Anyways, I don't know if any of that will help, but potty training was actually pretty easy for us. If you want to read her little on-line book just google "potty train in three days" and it should come up I think I paid like $11 for it. Totally worth it!
Good luck my friend! It's so hard, at least it has been for us with Drew. He was doing great for a while but yesterday he had 2 accidents at preschool! 2 in one day! If you find anything that works really good pass it on!
Too funny! I love the fact that you have a "helper". Tommy wasn't fully potty-trained until he was 4, so I have no advice to offer. Good luck!
Great pic! A keeper for sure to show their future girlfriends. :) Man, I don't have any advice. Good luck!
Yeah, potty training sucks! Spencer started in May and is still having accidents sometimes. Scott sooo wants to join him, but maybe next year! Have fun.
How Cute!!
Well at least Cameron has encouragement. Adley just goes in the bathroom when Tate goes and just plays with the toilet brush.
What a picture!!! I'm hoping to start Rylenn soon on the whole potty thing. This 2 kids in diapers thing really sucks! Good Luck!
So so so cute!!!!
ha! that is sooo funny! i am not looking forward to potty training ephriam! addie was potty trained before she was 2 and she did it herself. i KNOW ephriam won't be that easy!
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