My cousin tagged me so I guess I should do this. Since my computer is newer and I only have 3 folders I decided to pull the 4th picture but 3rd folder. Sorry to change this around.
This picture was taken of Cameron and Luke when they were opening cards from Grandma. They were so excited to get their own letters!!!
I tag:
Jennifer Larson
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Picture Tag
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 1:11 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Breakfast, Pumpkins and the Fall Festival
Since we have not really done this before yesterday we went out to breakfast as a family. It was actually really fun to change it up a little. We went to Mimi's cafe. Then off to get a pumpkin, we just went over to Walmart and the boys loved it. Later on in the evening we went to the Fall festival. They had a petting zoo, horse rides, jumping castles and carnival games. I thought Luke would be afraid of the horse but he just got on and held on to the horn on the saddle. We had so much fun. I was upset though because the batteries in my camera went out. I barely got a couple of pictures.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 7:16 AM 7 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The big 25!!!!
So yesterday was my 25th birthday. Another year has come and gone and I can't believe it. 25 wow...I feel so old...haha just kidding. It felt just like any normal day except for the phone calls and getting cards. Reid got to come home early from work and we went out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and let me tell you it was so good. After dinner we went to the a High School football game with some friends from our ward. It was a really good game and we had such a great time and the boys had a blast at the game. Being at the game made we realize how happy I am that, that stage in my life is over. Reid got me a massage for my birthday so today at noon I go to get it. I am so excited and can't wait. I will throughly enjoy every second.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 9:34 AM 19 comments
BYU -TCU game
On Thursday night Reid and I got to go on a much needed date. We went to the BYU-TCU game. We had a ton of fun, until the game actually started. Yes as most of you know BYU lost terribly. They just didn't come ready to play, at least that is what I think. It was fun to be at the game and in the atmosphere surrounded by BYU fans, but depressing that they weren't playing so well. Oh well maybe they'll beat them in 2 years when they come back.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 9:20 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Potty Buddies!!!!
We are in the dreaded process of trying to get Cameron potty trained, Which is turning out to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. Nothing seems to be working. Yesterday morning I put Cameron on the potty to go and Luke wanted to join in on the fun. Here's what I saw!!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 9:14 AM 15 comments
A day at the park with Dad!!!
On Saturday afternoon we took the boys to the park. They wanted to go play football with their dad. They absolutely loved having their dad go and play with them. I love watching them play and seeing what a great dad Reid is. We also got some cute pictures of the boys playing.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 8:54 AM 1 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Spider Cookies!!
Last night our family made spider cookies. Cameron had been asking everyday for the past week or two to do them and I kept on forgetting to get pretzel sticks. I even went to the store a couple of times to get them and forgot to grab them. The boys thought it was so cool to make them and put them together. They ate more of the stuff then we made into cookies but it was fun. The Reeses Pieces were a big hit with Luke. He kept craming them in his mouth and was drooling the different colors. I love to see how excited my boys get for the simplest things. He is into showing his teeth when he smiles, so it makes for a funny picture!
Daddy helping Cameron make his own.
See what I mean about the Reeses Pieces!!!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 8:32 AM 8 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Officially Texans!!!
After 4 hours of going to get our cars inspected, getting our registration and plates done and going to the Public Department of Safety. We are officially Texans. We now have Texas plates and Texas drivers license's. It was a long morning but we got everything done. I am glad I don't have to do that again for awhile. The boys did a really good job and made some new friends while waiting. I was kind of sad to give them my Arizona license but it had to be done. All evidence of living in Arizona is slowly depleting. Sad Day!! One thing that stinks about the whole thing is our drivers licenses have to be renew every 5 years or something like that compared to Arizonas 40+ years, oh well what can you do!!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 12:58 PM 4 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Tag...You're It!!!
I saw this on one of my cousins blogs and decided to do it to.
Tag...You're it!!!
8 T.V shows I love to watch:
Amazing Race
Prison Break
One Tree Hill
The Hills
90210 (the new one)
Biggest Loser
8 Favorite Restaurants:
Cheesecake Factory
PF Changs
Paradise Bakery
Red Lobster
Texas Roadhouse
Olive Garden
Steak and Shake
8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
Cleaned my house
played with my boys
talked to my mom on the phone
Laundry (4 loads) did it and put in away
Read part of Nights in Rodanthe
Went to Wal-mart
Watched the BYU game
Had some friends over to watch the game
8 Things I Look Forward To:
more general conference tomorrow
going to the BYU-TCU game without my kids
my birthday
Twilight movie
visiting my family
seeing my kids in their Halloween costumes
5 year anniversary
8 Things I Love About Fall:
my birthday
Leaves changing colors (will actually get to see that here)
cooler weather
watching football games (not all day but a game or two every once in awhile)
All my shows are back
8 Things On My Wish List:
Luke's scrapbook to be caught up
A scrapbooking room already organized
a treadmill
a trip to Europe
more time with Reid
Cameron to be potty trained
a chef that cooks for me and my family
a personal trainer
8 People I am Tagging:
anyone that would like to do this
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 3:34 PM 3 comments