Well it's about time I updated this thing. That is as far as I am going to be able to get today but I will finish catching up later on. Hope you all enjoy it!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Cruise with mom and Heather
During the week of November 7- 14 I got to go on a cruise with my mom and sister. My mom was going for work and my dad couldn't go with her so we got to go with her. I was so awesome! We had such a great time and ate some really yummy food. I think I gained like 5 lbs on that trip, I ate and ate. We went to the Carribean, our stops were, Bahamas, St. Thomas, Puerto Rico and Grand Turk. Ben Dodge was so nice and generous to let Heather and I go. We did some really fun things on each of the islands.
In Bahamas we drove over to the Atlantis resort, walked around checking it out and since we were there early in the morning we toured the whole thing pools, beach, aqaurium, and everything. It was really cool. Then we went shopping, touring around and went to a little resturant. I got to try conch for the first time 3 ways, fried, in ceviche, and in fritters. The fritters were definitely the best. We also had fried lobster that was pretty tasty. We had to hurry back to the ship.
Our next stop was St. Thomas, we took a taxi to the other side of the island and got a ferry to St. Johns, in St. Johns Ben rented a car and we just drove around stopping at various beaches, it was incredible and so pretty with warm water. At one beach my mom, Heather and I about lost our suits, a huge wave hit us as we were trying to get out of the water, we had sand everywhere, it was so funny! Then we went back to St Thomas did some shopping and got back on the ship.
Our next stop was Puerto Rico, Ben was going to rent a car but there was no cars available so we paid a taxi driver to drive us all over. We stopped at some beaches, and then went to the rainforest. The rainforest was so beautiful, we even took a hike down to a waterfall. Ben was the only one that got in the water but it was still fun to hike down and see it. Mom did a great job and hiked with us, she was a trooper. After the hike it started raining, perfect timing to get back to the car. The driver gave us a really good tour and we got to see lots of things. We went to a bakery there in town and had these fried ham and cheese sandwich things covered with powdered sugar, they were really good. We did some shopping then headed back to the ship.
In Grand Turk we all went scuba diving, it was so awesome and beautiful. As we were getting to our dive spot we saw dolphins. Ben and I wanted to jump in with them but the guides wouldn't let us. We did a two tank dive and saw a really huge crab. After diving we grabbed a bite to eat and did some shopping and got back on the ship. All in all the trip was amazing. Thank you Ben for letting me come I had a wonderful time!! Unfortunately I don't have pictures to post but I will add them later on when I get them from my mom and sister. Reid stayed home and held down the fort. Thanks to amazing friends who took care of my kids, I didn't have to worry. Reid was such a great husband to let me go without him and took great care of the kids. Thanks hun!! I love you!! The boys were really excited to see me!! I throughly enjoyed being able to do whatever I wanted and not having to take care of kids, it was nice, relaxing and a much needed trip!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:37 PM 0 comments
This year for Halloween Cameron was a ninja, Luke was Anakin Skywalker, and Owen was Buzz Lightyear. We went to a trunk or treat at the stake center, they got so much candy. They had so mcuh fun going to the different cars. Owen loved the candy as well especially the suckers. He had one in his mouth all night. He just kept on getting more and more. The boys looked really good in their costumes and loved getting dressed up. Since Halloween was on Sunday, the boys helped us pass out candy to the trick or treaters that came to our house. They were sad to not be able to go but we set the rule and wanted to keep it.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Pumpkin Patch
On October 28th we went to a pumpkin patch with some friends. Yes I know we already carved the other pumpkin but we decided to go and have some fun with some friends. We got to feed some goats, bulls, and went on a hay ride. Cameron liked feeding the goats but was nervous. Luke wanted me to feed them. Owen loved the goats, he held his hands out to pet them and feed them. After the hay ride we got to pick out pumpkins. The kids had so much fun!!
Cameron and Parker
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Carving the pumpkin
For Family Home evening before Halloween we carved a pumpkin. The boys had been asking for days to carve a pumpkin so I got one and had their dad help them carve it while I took pictures. The boys even put there hands in to help get seeds out this year. The boys named the pumpkin Jack!! We had a great time as a family!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Primary Program
Cameron all dressed up for his part in the primary program. He looked so handsome in his little suit. The program was on the 24th of October. His part was, "Noah was called by God!" He did a great job. I love the primary programs and always find myself crying my eyes out, and it happened again this time. I just love listening to the kids sing, so cute and touching!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Because we have such wonderful friends Steve and Dana, we were able to go to the BYU game this year with free tickets!! The game was on October 16th. We went to the tail gate party and enjoyed sitting among fellow members and fans. Cosmo was there and we were able to get a picture taken with him. By the time we walked to the stadium and took our seats facing the sun, the boys were ready to go home. They didn't really enjoy the game and spent most of the time time sitting between the rows out of the sun. It was rather warm that day as well so we were all sweating and hot. I took lots of breaks taking Owen down and under the stand to get out of the sun and to stretch his legs. I wish I could say it was worth it but unfortunately the coug's lost. I had a good time but I will definitely not be taking kids next time. I will gladly pay a babysitter so I can enjoy myself and actually watch the game. Thanks Haynie's for the tickets!!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Another season has come and gone with soccer. Cameron did soccer again with the same team. The boys get along really well and have a great time. They got new uniforms this year and they are so cool. There team name is Arsenal and they got replica jerseys from the actual Arsenal team, from England I think. Cameron's was huge but it was the smallest size they had available. Cameron had a good season I think he made only one goal, but he loves playing and has a lot of fun. One of his teamates goes to school with him so they love the fact that they knew someone when they started school.
Cameron's fan club!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 12:41 PM 0 comments
15 months!!
In October Owen turned 15 months.
His Stats at 15 months:
weight: 19 lbs 10.5 oz 1%
height: 31 1/2in. 62%
He is still such a little guy but doing great. Healthy in every way. He is walking all over the place, loves to eat anything and everything he can get his hands on, still only has 2 teeth on the bottom. He says mommy, daddy, uh oh, does sign language for more. Loves to get his shoes on and have me put them on. Loves to go for rides in the car. Loves going to the park and being outside. He is still such a great and easy going baby. I have so much fun with him, especially now I can play with him. His is growing up way too fast!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 12:18 PM 0 comments
Slip and Slide
Since it was still warm in October, I let the boys do the slip and slide. Luke is really good at sliding now and had fun. Owen just ran around getting wet. He loves the water. We also had Luke's friend Alex over to play, I think they played in the water for like 2 hours. They had a lot of fun and one advantage to living in Texas, we still have warm weather in October!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Uncle Russ
Since Uncle Russ's job has him travel we have been able to see him every once in awhile in October he came for a visit. The boys love having him here and spending time with him. Here are the boys having fun with Uncle Russ. Thanks for coming and spending with us Russ, we love you!! Also while Russ was here I had the opportunity to go to Time Out For Women, it was such a wonderful experience and had an enjoyable time. I went with my friend Lindsay that I knew up at BYU Idaho. We had a great time!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Hair Cut
Owen getting his hair cut. He was such a brave little guy and sat there so patiently while daddy cut his hair.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 11:51 AM 1 comments
Lucas is such a handsome little guy. We have so much fun together while Cameron is at school. Luke is loving his preschool class and is always so excited to go. He is very helpful with Owen. He is still my mischievious guy but hopefully he will grow out of it soon. He is full of energy and always on the go. He loves to play wii and do things with Cameron! He is still my little cuddle buddy! He will be 4 in January and I can hardly believe how fast time is going!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Shawn's on a mission
On September 22, my little brother Shawn left on his mission. He is in the Lima Peru East Mission. He is doing great and loving it. I am so proud of him and his choice to serve a mission. I am so grateful for the example he is setting for my boys. We love you Shawn and are thinking about you everyday!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Walking in Style!
Since Owen was a tiny baby I had my eyes on these. So when he started walking I couldn't resist. I love them. Owen also loves his shoes. He brings them to me all the time to have me put them on him. I will ask him where are your shoes? He will find them, bring them to me, sit on the ground and hold his foot up for me to put them on. I love it!! He is such a cutie!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 11:33 AM 0 comments
14 months!
My cute baby Owen, 14 months old. We were at the park and I couldn't resist taking pictures. He was so happy to be at the park.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Mighty Mustang
On September 7th, Cameron was awarded the Mighty Mustang award at school. Each week the teacher selects a mighty mustang from their class. They have a little awards ceremony at the Monday morning assembly. Cameron had no idea it was going to be him but they had let me know beforehand so Reid and I could be there for it. Cameron was so excited and had the biggest smile on his face. Owen, Lucas and I also got to go to the school that friday to eat lunch with Cameron. We had a great time. Here's our mighty mustang!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 11:05 AM 1 comments