Owen is now 11 months old and is still my sweet and happy little guy. Here are some of the things he can do now. He crawls all over the place and pulls himself to standing and his most recent, letting go and just standing, he has only mananged to last about 10 seconds but he is getting better and better. He is quite the quick and sneaky little guy, and before you know it he is getting into stuff he shouldn't aka. the dog food or the bathroom, he always seems to make it to either one of these before I can stop him. He loves his brothers and follows them from room to room and even looks for them if they are not home. He is also found sneaking up the stairs and is quite good at it, now we need to work on the coming back down or making sure the baby gate is up. If he has his passy in his mouth and wants to eat, he will just throw his passy on the ground. He waves, gives kisses, gives high 5's, gives big gummy smiles, loves drinking milk from a sippy cup, loves the pool, loves bathtime, loves eating, makes all sort of noises, squeals and clicking sounds and he loves playing with toys. He is a very content little guy and I am loving every minute. I feel like time is just cruising and I barely have time to enjoy him but we are having fun!! Love you buddy!!!
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6 years ago
It is crazy how he looks like Cameron in one picture then Luke in the next. What a fun time this is. I love this stage before they start talking and NEVER stop:)
what a cute little guy! I love his sweet face!
He is SO cute!! He looks like a combination of Cameron and Luke, what an adorable boy! :)
he is so adorable. I can't even believe how much your three boys resemble both you and reid...and each other! The mommy's with girls will have to look out for those handsome Haynie boys! So cute!
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