Would you believe it, we woke up to a white Christmas. Feels like it really is Christmas. Luke has never really been in snow and was so excited to go out and play in it. In the first couple of steps outside he fell right on his butt on the ice. It reminded me of my days in Rexburg falling on the ice or watching people fall, gotta love it!! Cameron had no interest in going out, so Luke and I went out and had a snow ball fight, and just played. Luke took a stab at a snow angel but it didn't work, he just got the snow all over him. We had a lot of fun out in it. I loved seeing the excitment on Luke's face as we were out there, he absolutely loved it except for when it made his hands really cold. So cute!!
This picture makes me want to add some flavoring and eat it. Snow cone anyone?!...ha ha!!
Friday, December 25, 2009
The White stuff...in Texas!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:59 PM 3 comments
We have had a great Christmas. We have enjoyed spending the day together. The boys made out like bandits as always and got some really great stuff. Owen wasn't feeling very good but put on a good face. He has croup and is quite sick. We hope you all have had a Merry Christmas!! Waiting to come downstairs (Cameron has very sensitive eyes and hates the flash so he shuts his eyes, very annoying when trying to take a picture)
Luke loves his bike Santa brought.
Cameron's long awaited Rocket from Santa.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
It's a WHITE Christmas Eve!!
I can't believe it but it's snowing. Makes it feel like it really is Christmas. My boys are loving it and getting really wet. Here are some pics. You can hardly tell it's snowing but I love the look on their faces.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 11:39 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ward Christmas party and Santa!!
Friday night we had our ward Christmas party. It was good food and great company. It was pot luck type dinner. They also had a slide show that was playing of pics throughout the year. There was one of me huge pregnant like 9 days before I had Owen on the 4th of July, yeah that was special. Also some pics of Reid's men's canoe trip, it was pretty funny. The primary kids all got up and sang us a song. Cameron was so cute and just sang away, I had no idea he knew the song. After all the kids sang, Santa came. The whole time we were in line to see him Luke wanted me to hold him and kept on saying over and over again, "Mom, I nervous to see Santa!" When it was our turn Cameron could hardly contain himself, he sat right down and started telling Santa what he wanted. Luke was a little hesitant but walked up and sat down. Owen did a great job, he took a liking to Santa but would not look at him. It worked out great for me, I didn't even have to take them to the mall.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:05 PM 1 comments
Preschool Christmas Party
Last Friday Cameron had a party at his preschool. Luke, Owen and I went to help. We all had a great time. They had story time, made crafts and made gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. Ms. Tamra even had stuff for Luke to participate. Thanks Ms Tamra for all the fun. Here are some pics of our fun. Finished product, not sure what Cameron is doing.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Check out this website: http://www.babystepsboutique.blogspot.com. My friend Laura is very talented and makes super cute stuff. Free giveaway going on right now.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
Family Pictures
In November I had my friend Juli take our family pictures. She did an incredible job and we got some really great shots. Lots of pictures, it is so hard to choose between them. Here are about 12 of them.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:33 PM 10 comments
Diaper Cake!!
A friend and I through a baby shower for our friend Jessica. She has 4 girls and is finally getting a little boy. On December 4th we had the shower. I decided to try and make a diaper cake with diapers. It ended up taking about 2 1/2 hours but turned out looking great, if I say so myself. I just had to take pictures of it, because I don't know how many of these I will actually make in my lifetime. We had a great time at the shower and she got a ton of great things. We can't wait to meet this little guy of hers.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:26 PM 2 comments
Newly found love!!
Owen has a newly found love and it is a book. He just loves it so much, we take it most places with us, especially church. It keeps him entertained and happy. Let's just hope we don't lose it. I should probably try to find another one to have, just in case.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:15 PM 1 comments
Luke and Owen!
It is rare to get a picture of Luke smiling and I thought this was super cute. Luke just loves Owen and loves to hold him.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 2:11 PM 0 comments
In the middle of November soccer season officially ended. Cameron had a great time and really loved it. By the end he really started to improve and started catching on to how to play. His last game was probably one of the best he played. We had so much fun watching him play and ended up laughing at most games with how funny and cute 4 year olds can be. Cameron also got a trophy and now it sits on the fireplace mantel. He was so excited to get his trophy and he tells anyone that comes over about it. We are excited for the next season to start. The best one I got with his eyes somewhat open.
Love those faces!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 1:33 PM 0 comments