Yesterday was my moms birthday and I didn't get a chance to put a post on my blog. Happy Birthday Grandma we missed being able to see you and hope you had a wonderful day!!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
First of many!!
Yesterday Cameron had his first primary activity. The day before we went he told me that he wanted me to drop him off and then come back. On Saturday morning as I was driving him there he asked me to stay with him. He did great, there was a girl that helped him do everything. I think she was one of the 10 or 11 year olds, but she was so nice and helped him make some FHE Packets and a sugar cube temple. I didn't even need to be there, but I noticed every once in awhile Cameron would look for me and wave. He had so much fun and keeps asking when the next one will be.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 8:13 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Our Trip to Virginia
Last week we were in Virginia visiting Reid's family. It was a last minute trip but was such a blast. We had such a great time together. We got to spend time with Nana, Pops, Tyler, Grandmama and Papa, Russell, Ryan and Kinsey and their kids Rhett, Arianna, and Bella. The boys had so much fun with their cousins that we don't get to see very often. Cameron got to go with Pops to a play practice to see Nana and Tyler. We all went to visit Pops at one of his Tennis matches, went shopping and out to lunch with Russ. We went out to lunch with grandmama and papa, Ryan, Kinsey, their kids, and Russ. On Friday night we all went to a play that Tyler was in and that Terry had been working on for a long time. The play was really good except for our kids where a nightmare and didn't want to sit and watch the play. On Saturday night Grandmama watched all the kids so we could go on a double date with Ryan and Kinsey, while we were gone they made cupcakes and did all sorts of fun things. It was a really fun trip. The drive was long and my feet were all swollen when we got home, we won't be doing those long drives again anytime soon, at least until the baby is here. ( For those of you that want to see the pictures up close just click on them and they will open in another window bigger)
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 9:45 AM 3 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Coolest Brother in Law Ever!!!!
So I have to brag a little about my brother in law, Russ. He is the coolest and sweetest guy. He is so sweet and nice that he went out last night and got Twilight for me so I didn't have to. What a nice guy. I can't wait to watch it. Since I am out of town, Twilight party at my house next weekend, for all you fellow Texans. I'll call and let you know more details as to the day and time.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 7:06 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
David and Ashley's Wedding
This past week we were in Arizona for my brother David's wedding. We had such a great time. We are so excited to have Ashley in our family, she is a great girl and will make a perfect addition to the family. On Monday the boys and I went with my mom, David and Ashley to get their pictures taken. The boys had so much fun watching them. Cameron has been way into all the wedding stuff. One of the nights we were there he said, "When I get back from my mission, I will get married in the temple and get my princess. I will wear a shirt with a flower and black shiny shoes like uncle David". It was the cutest thing ever and he told everyone.
On Wednesday we got to go out to Coolidge to visit with friends, it was so nice to see everyone again it felt like we had never left, just like old times at the park. Friday was the big day!!! While we were in the temple my brother Shawn took Cameron, Luke, Jaxon and Glen David to Krispy Kreme for a treat and met us outside. They loved eating the donuts and riding with Shawn to the temple. Waiting with Shawn
Then we were off to the luncheon, we had a great time and the boys loved it. They especially loved the trampoline. At the reception the boys just wanted to eat all the treats especially the M&M's which kept them occupied for awhile. what handsome boys!!
On Saturday we spent time with my family and some friends. The boys got to spend some time wrestling with Great Uncle Ken and Aunt Linda, they loved every minute.
We then met up with some friends for fun at the park.
We are so happy we got the chance to be part of a wonderful celebration!!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 7:02 PM 6 comments