Did someone say Texas? Yeah It's true. We are moving to Dallas. We are just at the start of the process of selling our house and will have a For Sale sign in front of it in a couple of days. We have been blessed to have this opportunity come along and feel that this is the best thing for our little family. Reid will continue to work for Centex Homes there at the corporate level. We are not quite sure where exactly we will be in the Dallas area yet, but will find out soon. Reid starts work on June 2nd and it is coming up way too fast. I have been crazy busy getting the house ready to sell. We are excited about the move but also nervous to start over again. We will miss all of our family, friends, and fellow ward members. If any of you are in the Dallas area, look us up, we would love to have visitors.
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6 years ago
I can't believe it! That is so exciting for y'all. I'm sure that was a tough decision but the right one! LOVE the Dallas theme song! Congratulations!
Congrats! What a great new adventure for you and your family! Is this indefinite? Alex and I are talking about moving to AZ in a year when he is done with school. I was hoping we would get to hang out, but we will just have to see each other when you come to visit now. Good luck with selling your house and all the moving stuff.
I would say congratulations... but you are going to Texas... so condolences are probably more appropriate. I can say that because I live in Oklahoma. You should get in touch with the Davidsons, Joe is in medical school down there. Good luck.
I am incredibly sad at this news! Aaron told me after softball last time and I could not believe it. But it should be a fun adventure for you family. You should visit my blog at
We'll always have our boys birthday to share!
Maybe I'll come visit sometime since my aunt and uncle live there too! Love ya and will miss you!
That makes me so sad that you are leaving. But I know you guys will do good where ever you go. We will have to keep in contact! Good luck on the house and let me know what you need help with!
I am so sad Brittany!! We'll miss you SO much! I have another friend in the Dallas area I totally want to go visit...now I can have two people to see ;)! Good luck with everything let me know if you need help! When do yo leave exactly?
WOW!! That will be so fun. Good luck trying to sale. Its NOT fun right now. Its exciting when you get to embark on something new. I am sure you will love it. I will miss you not being in AZ.
I keep thinking we need to have dinner or something. I guess that is one thing I can cross off my list... it was the only fun thing on there I just haven't gotten to. Dang! Me and Jeff and hoping to buy a home here soon. Good luck with the moving process.
Hooray for Texas! Yea!!! This is awesome.
God bless Texas (but it'll never be my Arizona).
We are in Plano (pronounced Play-no), just north of Dallas. We love it. Totally keep us posted on where you'll be. We would love to come see you and welcome you to the big, mountainless (but very green) state.
Congrats! Hope your home sells quickly!
Hey Brit, we went private and I would love to send you an invite. Email me your email address to www.tiffanykempton@gmail.com
Good luck with the move.
I am still so sad that you are leaving. We are going to miss you. I hope you have a fun new adventure in Texas but decide you miss us all to much and move back!j/k I hope that you love it there. You will be missed!!!!!
That is awesome! We will miss you but you will love Dallas. I've been there a few times and I think it would be a great place to live. Good luck with the sale!
Congratulations! That is so much fun! We'll have to get together really soon, before you guys leave. Maybe we can meet at Arizona Mills or something. Reid starts in June? Are you guys leaving then too or are you going to wait for the house to sell? I'll give you a call soon and we can get together! Congratulations again!
Congrats! What an exciting oppertunity for your family! Good luck and definitly keep in touch!
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