Sunday, April 6, 2008


Well I must say I thought conference was amazing this time. I love conference time. I get so excited every 6 months. I can't wait for the next Ensign to come so I can read over the talks again. I thought the solemn assembly was way cool. I don't remember doing that when Hinckley was put in, but I loved it. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Love you all!!!


Heidi said...

Conference was really good. I enjoy and look forward to it more every year.

Mary Ann said...

it was amazing.. i love the talk about moms.. it made me feel so appreciated!! it was fun to see you this weekend! cute blog!

Anonymous said...

conference was awesome. i didn't take notes for the first time in years and actually got more out of it because i wasn't yelling at my kids to "sit still and listen to what the prophet is saying!" :) it was less stressful this time around.

i had fun at your house and the park! thanks for the fun times and for putting up with me!! And helping me be able to get out so i can cope with life right now! :) you're a great friend! THANKS!!!

Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

Hey girl! I didn't know that you had a blog! How cool! How the heck are you? How's the town?

I can't not believe how big your kids are. It doesn't seem like it's been a year that we've been gone, but I see your kids and they've totally changed and that's when I realize that, yep, it has been a while since we lived over there.

Hope you're doing well!

The Kemptons said...

Britney your blog is so cute. Your boys have goten so big. I got your blog off of Heather's, I hope that was ok. I hope things are going great. My blog is
I just created it so it is still in the works.
Tiffany (Sellers) Kempton