I hope all of you have had a wonderful Valentine's Day!!! I have a tradition of getting the boys little boxes of chocolates each year for Valentine's day, they get so excited everytime. We also got Valentines from Grandmas and Grandpas, the boys love getting their own letters in the mail. Thank you for thinking about us!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 3:57 PM 1 comments
7 months Old!!
My little man is getting so big. I just can't believe how fast it is happening. He is still such a sweet little guy and is so fun. He can sit by himself, he is not crawling yet but can roll and move to get to what he wants. I don't think it will be long before he is crawling everywhere though. He loves his baby food and has been found sucking on an animal cracker (I went upstairs real quick and came back down to find Owen on his stomach face down licking and sucking on an animal cracker he found, kind of scary, he absolutely loved it though). He still loves this momma and is still my little cuddle bug. He babbles and likes to yell and squeal. He loves his brothers and will give them slimmy kisses.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 3:35 PM 0 comments
On Thursday we had a huge snow storm. It snowed non-stop all day. We got 10-12 inches, a record for the Dallas area. It was so crazy. It just kept on coming and coming. The boys loved it and were in and out all day. The wet clothes kept piling up with our lack of winter clothes. Cameron and Luke convinced me to come out and build a snowman with them. The snowmen I made were very lopsided but they were snowmen, within a couple hours both had fallen over. When Reid got home from work they built a snowman together and it was awesome, it is slowly melting away and almost all the snow is gone now but we sure enjoyed it while it was here. Here are pictures of our fun. Daddy throwing snowballs at Cameron and Luke.
Mom's attempt at a snowman.
Final Outcome of Mr Snowman.
Tasting the snow!
The snow was so pretty.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 3:08 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 4, 2010
3 year stats
On Monday I took Luke to the doctor for his 3 year well check up. He was really good and luckily didn't have to get any shots.
weight: 31 lbs 50%
height: 37.5 inches 50%
As the doctor was checking him and listening to his heart, she said," Luke what does your heart say?" Before Luke could answer Cameron said, " His heart says I love Jesus!" The doctor and I started laughing and then the doctor said, "You are right!" I thought is was super cute. I am amazed at how much these little boys understand. It reminds me that they are such special gifts from our Heavenly Father and are so innocent and sweet. I love them to pieces!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 8:35 AM 4 comments