2 weeks from tomorrow and our 3rd little guy will be here. I am sitting here thinking could it possibly be. This pregnancy went by way fast, I can't even believe it. We are so excited and can't wait to finally meet him face to face. I have been doing great, a little uncomfortable but doing good. We are excited to have Reid's parents and grandparents coming to welcome baby boy haynie. They will be great help and the boys will love spending time with them.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!!!
Happy Father's Day to all you dad's out there. I am so happy for this special day to get the chance to let all the fathers in my life know how much I love and appreciate all they do for me. I was blessed with such a great dad in my life and love him very much. I am also blessed to have a great father in law. I am also so lucky to have Reid as the father of my boys. He is such a great dad and my boys absolutely adore him. He is such a great example to them about what a father should be like. Yesterday I decided to do a photo shoot of my boys for a gift for Reid... he doesn't have any pictures of the boys at his desk at work so I got a tri-fold frame and put pictures of the boys in it. Here are the pictures I got, they turned out better than I thought.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 7:29 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Cameron's appointment!!
Today we went to the Endocrinologist for Cameron. Basically, they told us that he is smaller for his age which we already knew. They did another blood test and will check his levels again. We should get the results back in about 2 weeks. They are going to check him again in 6 months to watch his growth rate and see how he is growing. So as of right now all we need to do is watch and see. If he doesn't seem to be growing right we may have to do treatments but that probably wouldn't happen until he is 6 years old or so. It all sort of depends on how he is growing. His bone age is 2 years old and 2 months, so he might just take 2 more years to catch up when he is older. I am happy and relieved to have all the facts now and hope that he will continue to grow.
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 3:24 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
34 weeks!!
Today I am 34 weeks pregnant. Wow, it has really flown by. I would normally have 6 weeks left but since I am being induced early I only have 5 weeks from tomorrow. I am still in shock and can't believe it is already almost time. I am really starting to feel it though. I am exhausted by the end of the day and am not sleeping very well at night, I can not get comfortable for the life of me. Other than that and heartburn I have no other complaints. We are all getting really excited to finally meet him. The boys can't wait and talk about him constantly. Luke wants to hold him so bad. I am going to have to be careful and keep my eye on him when our baby gets here. On Saturday I was watching a friends baby and Luke could not get enough and always wanted to hold him. It will be interesting. Hope everyone is doing great!!!!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 7:05 PM 4 comments