Last week Cameron started all day kindergraten. He is gone from 8-3 everyday. He just loves it. He loves his teacher, Mrs. Welsh and comes home everyday with a name of a new friend. The very first day when I went to pick him up, I asked how his day went. He said, "That was a long day but I had so much fun!" I was so happy to hear that. I was a little nervous to let him go but was excited at the same time for this new stage in his life. I can't believe I have a kid in school, it is so weird! Cameron still loves school everyday and his teacher is way nice. I am still trying to get used to waking up so early and getting going but it is going great so far.
Luke gets really bored without Cameron but we are enjoying the time we get to spend together. Luke started preschool this year as well and is gone on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30-11:15. He loves it and is always so excited to go. I must say it is nice in the mornings while both Cameron and Luke are at school, it's just me and Owen. Owen and I play for a little bit and he takes a nap so I get some time for myself. I love it!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 8:56 PM 1 comments
Luke's chin
In July Luke fell off of a riding toy and split open his chin open. I thought for sure he would need stitches but after talking and asking opinions we decided not to take hime to the ER but taped it together ourselves. It has actually healed really well and you can hardly see it. Earlier that day I was saying how lucky we have been without having to get stitches and then he fell, still glad we haven't yet!He fell off this very toy!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Summer Trips!
Over the summer we had the opportunity to go and visit both sides of the family. At the beginning of July we went to Virginia, we had so much fun. We got to spend time with everyone, went to Ryan and Kinsey's house and also a trip to Busch Gardens. We had a wonderful time and miss everyone so much. Here is a slide show of all our fun.
At the beginning of August we went to Arizona. The boys loved playing with their cousins, going to the lake, going to Jumpstreet,going to Amazing Jake's, eating yummy food, swimming and all sorts of fun stuff. We will miss Uncle Shawn as he leaves on his mission on September 22 but we had so much fun spending time with him and the whole family. We miss everyone a ton. Here is a slide show of our Arizona fun!
Posted by Reid and Brittney at 8:35 PM 0 comments